Black Friday... Cyber Monday...

Thank you for caring for defenseless manatees and their imperiled habitat!
We wanted to let you know that Save the Manatee® Club is once again proud to be participating in #GivingTuesday, a global
day dedicated to giving.
Last year, compassionate Club supporters helped us exceed our goal of raising $4,284 representing $1 for every manatee counted in the 2014 synoptic survey. This year, we are hoping you will help us once again exceed our goal as we look to raise $5000 in one day in support of manatee conservation and education. Help us reach our goal!

You can watch the progress HERE, and we will also periodically update everyone on our Facebook page.
The funds we raise allow us to:
- Increase public awareness and provide free educational materials to manatee supporters worldwide
- Sponsor research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release efforts for manatees in need of critical care
- Advocate for strong protection measures, such as boat speed zones and sanctuaries to protect manatees from lethal boat strikes and cold stress
- Take legal action when appropriate
See a list of our 2014 Highilghts & Accomplishments that you made possible.
Thank you for sharing our passion for our gentle friends.
For the manatees,
Save the Manatee Club, Your voice for manatees worldwide
P.S. Unable to donate today? We understand.
We know you still love manatees. You can also help us, help them by sharing this message with
your friends, family, and community.
