Save the Manatee Club

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Save the Manatee Club

Tell The EPA You Support Regulations That Protect Our Environment!

Dear Friend,

Because of an executive order by President Trump, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently seeking public input on existing regulations that could be repealed, replaced, or modified. This is your chance to show your support for the regulations that protect our air, land, and water, and that’s good for manatees and humans, too!

The EPA was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress. Among other things, these regulations affect air quality, fuel economy, safe drinking water, oil spill prevention, as well as pesticides and other toxic contaminants that pollute waterways and pose a risk to fish, birds, and marine mammals, including manatees.

The White House has already proposed deep cuts to the EPA budget that would reduce staff and eliminate dozens of programs. Read more in the Washington Post.

What You Can Do:

Please let the EPA know you support regulations that protect our environment! 
Submit your comments by May 15, 2017. Click the following link to go to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OA-2017-0190 at and then click the Comment Now! button, next to the “Evaluation of Existing Regulations” Proposed Rule. 

Thank you for all you do to help protect manatees and our aquatic ecosystems!


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