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Help Protect Florida's Wetlands!
Please Call Your Representative by Tuesday Morning


Dear Friend,

A bill authorizing the state to assume responsibility for the federal 404 dredge and fill permit program has made it to the floor for a vote by the full Florida House of Representatives on Tuesday, February 20th. Please take a moment to call your representative on Monday or Tuesday morning and urge him or her to VOTE NO on House Bill 7043.

Click the following link to find contact information for your Florida State Representative.

In a nutshell, this bill calls for the state to assume the wetland permitting function from the federal EPA and US Army Corps of Engineers. At risk are the checks and balances that are now applied to thousands of annual permits to develop and eliminate wetlands in Florida. Florida is ill-equipped to take on this important task as the Department of Environmental Protection is woefully understaffed to fulfill its current obligations, much less take on this added burden. There are many issues that need to be addressed before a game changer like this should be rushed through to become law.

Thank you for all you do to help protect manatees and our aquatic ecosystems!


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